The page provides the exchange rate of 398 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 398 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP) from Sunday, 15/11/2020 till Sunday, 08/11/2020.
From Hong Kong dollar (HKD) to pesos (PHP) 1 Hong Kong dollar: 6.26: pesos5 Hong Kong dollar: 31.28: pesos10 Hong Kong dollar: 62.56: pesos50 Hong Kong dollar: 312.81: pesos100 Hong Kong dollar: 625.63: pesos500 Hong Kong dollar: 3,128.13: pesos1,000 Hong Kong dollar: 6,256.25: pesos5,000 Hong Kong dollar: 31,281: pesos10,000 Hong Kong dollar: 62,563: pesos50,000 Hong Kong dollar
Current exchange rate HONG KONG DOLLAR (HKD) to PHILIPPINES P (PHP) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. The best day to change Hong Kong dollars in Philippine pesos was the Wednesday, 18 March 2020. At that time the currency had reached its highest value. 1 Hong Kong dollars = 6.6652 Philippine pesos Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) Exchange Rate History This page shows the historical data for Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) From Sunday 18/10/2020 To Monday 09/11/2020. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends. 其他使用比索的国家包括墨西哥、哥伦比亚、阿根廷等。菲律宾比索(Philippines Peso) 菲律宾过去曾先后沦为西班牙和美国的殖民地,所以菲律宾在第二次世界大战前流通的旧钞票上曾有“美属菲律宾“的字样。 Philippine Peso Hong Kong Dollar; Wednesday 11/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16003 HKD: Tuesday 10/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16024 HKD: Monday 09/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16066 HKD: Sunday 08/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16093 HKD: Saturday 07/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16091 HKD: Friday 06/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16091 HKD: Thursday 05/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16055 HKD: Wednesday 04/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16055 HKD: Tuesday 03/11/2020: 1 PHP =
1 菲律宾比索等于 0.1608 港币, 1.00 PHP = 0.1608 HKD 菲律宾比索兑换港币汇率今日 - 中央银行:Central Bank of the Philippines Hong Kong Monetary Authority 港币是中国香港的货币。港币的货币代码是 HKD,货币符号是 HK$。 美元兑换离岸人民币汇率(走势图) 汇率网论坛: 2019带周数日历: 2019年12月中国m2余额198.65万亿: 全球最贵的10个国家、地区的货币: 世界上最不值钱的货币:19种货币: 美国加息对人民币汇率、黄金影响: 西联汇款取汇流程,官网和客服电话 人民币对澳门元汇率网提供今日世界各国上百种主要货币的外汇牌价,汇率换算工具和外汇汇率查询服务,汇率表与汇率兑换即时资讯,实时汇率查询换算工具,中国纸黄金为华人黄金投资者提供及时全面的黄金资讯。 The page provides the exchange rate of 398 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 398 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP) from Sunday, 15/11/2020 till Sunday, 08/11/2020. The page provides the exchange rate of 9000 Philippine Peso (PHP) to Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 9000 Philippine Peso (PHP) to Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) from Thursday, 24/09/2020 till Thursday, 17/09/2020. 1人民币兑换港币汇率换算结果 1 人民币(cny) = 港币(hkd) 当前汇率: 1cny = hkd 1hkd = 0cny. 人民币对港币汇率 cny to hkd 汇率查询 港元触及强方兑换保证!香港金管局两度出手卖出43.4亿港元 提供者 环球外汇 - 2020年4月22日. 随着港元持续强势并触及强方兑换保证水平,香港金融管理局于周二纽约交易时段再入市承接港元买盘,连同稍早沽出的15.5亿港元,单日共承接了43.4亿港元买盘。
实时汇率网提供最新菲律宾比索兑换港元汇率国际外汇牌价,今日菲律宾比索兑港元 汇率走势图最新行情,Philippine Peso兑换Hong Kong Dollar汇率实时在线查询
Current exchange rate HONG KONG DOLLAR (HKD) to PHILIPPINES P (PHP) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Convert Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP) 1 Hong Kong Dollar = 6.4273 Philippine Peso. Thursday, 02 July 2020, 09:00 Hong Kong time, Thursday, 02 July 2020, 09:00 Manila time. Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) and Philippine Peso (PHP). 港元兑换菲律宾比索汇率走势图(hkd - php): 备注:走势图为1港元(Hong Kong Dollar)可兑换多少菲律宾比索(Philippine Peso) 最新港元兑换菲律宾比索汇率国际外汇牌价,今日港元兑菲律宾比索汇率走势图最新行情,Hong Kong Dollar兑换Philippine Peso汇率,实时在线查询1港元等于 Latest Currency Exchange Rates: 1 Hong Kong Dollar = 6.2181 Philippine Peso On this page convert HKD to PHP using live currency rates as of 18/11/2020 04:06. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Hong Kong Dollars to Philippine Pesos charts.
Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) Exchange Rate History This page shows the historical data for Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) From Sunday 18/10/2020 To Monday 09/11/2020. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends.
The symbol for PHP can be written P. The Hong Kong Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The Philippine Peso is divided into 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Hong Kong Dollar was last updated on November 17, 2020 from Yahoo Finance. The exchange rate for the Philippine Peso was last updated on November 16, 2020 from The International Monetary Fund. The HKD conversion factor has 4 significant digits. The PHP conversion factor has 6 significant digits. 1 PHP = 0.1599 HKD; 11 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1606 HKD; 10 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1606 HKD; 09 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1611 HKD; 08 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1609 HKD; 07 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1609 HKD; 06 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1605 HKD; 05 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1603 HKD; 04 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1603 HKD; 03 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1602 HKD; 02 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1597 HKD; 01 Nov 20: 1 PHP = 0.1601 HKD; 31 Oct 20: 1 PHP = 0.1601 HKD
Current exchange rate HONG KONG DOLLAR (HKD) to PHILIPPINES P (PHP) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart.
Conversion rates Hong Kong Dollar / Philippine Peso; 100 HKD: 623.54100 PHP: 200 HKD: 1247.08200 PHP: 300 HKD: 1870.62300 PHP: 500 HKD: 3117.70500 PHP: 1000 HKD: 6235.41000 PHP: 2000 HKD: 12470.82000 PHP: 2500 HKD: 15588.52500 PHP: 3000 HKD: 18706.23000 PHP: 4000 HKD: 24941.64000 PHP: 5000 HKD: 31177.05000 PHP: 10000 HKD: 62354.10000 PHP: 20000 HKD: 124708.20000 PHP Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) Exchange Rate History This page shows the historical data for Hong Kong Dollar(HKD) To Philippine Peso(PHP) From Sunday 18/10/2020 To Monday 09/11/2020. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends. Philippine Peso Hong Kong Dollar; Wednesday 11/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16003 HKD: Tuesday 10/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16024 HKD: Monday 09/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16066 HKD: Sunday 08/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16093 HKD: Saturday 07/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16091 HKD: Friday 06/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16091 HKD: Thursday 05/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16055 HKD: Wednesday 04/11/2020: 1 PHP = 0.16055 HKD: Tuesday 03/11/2020: 1 PHP = Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Hong Kong dollar (ISO Code: HKD) against the Philippine peso (ISO Code: PHP) and a calculator to convert from (HKD) to pesos (PHP). In the following table you'll find information about the Philippine peso and the Hong Kong dollar.
港币 对菲律宾比索汇率 兑换菲律宾比索是多少; hk$ 1: 6.2271 ₱ 6.2271
162000 HKD to PHP : 18000 Hong Kong Dollar to Singapore Dollar: 180000 HKD to PHP : 18000 Hong Kong Dollar to New Zealand Dollar: 270000 HKD to PHP : 18000 Hong Kong Dollar to Pakistani Rupee: 360000 HKD to PHP — 450000 HKD to PHP : 18000 Hong Kong Dollar to South Korean Won: 900000 HKD to PHP : 18000 Hong Kong Dollar to Mexican Peso: 1800000 HKD to PHP
今日菲律宾比索兑换人民币的汇率为: 1菲律宾比索=0.135200人民币. 根据今日汇率,1888菲律宾比索可兑换255.2576人民币,数据仅供参考,交易时以银行柜台成交价为准。
The page provides the exchange rate of 150000 Philippine Peso (PHP) to Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 150000 Philippine Peso (PHP) to Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) from Monday, 09/11/2020 till Monday, 02/11/2020. 今日港币对人民币汇率,人民币兑港币汇率的即时兑换外汇牌价和按照最新实时香港港元汇率换算的计算转换兑换工具。 Currency conversion rates from Hong Kong Dollar to Philippine Peso today Wed, 15 Jul 2020: convert from HKD to PHP and also convert in a reverse direction. Rates are based on real time exchange rates. Exchange rates are updated every 15 minutes. HKD to PHP (Hong Kong Dollar to Philippine Peso) history chart with exchange rates for today: 09/09/2020. HKD vs PHP (Hong Kong Dollar to Philippine Peso) exchange rate history chart. You can choose the period from 7 days up to 1 year. We use accurate data from authoritative 3rd party services 港元触及强方兑换保证!香港金管局两度出手卖出43.4亿港元 提供者 环球外汇 - 2020年4月22日. 随着港元持续强势并触及强方兑换保证水平,香港金融管理局于周二纽约交易时段再入市承接港元买盘,连同稍早沽出的15.5亿港元,单日共承接了43.4亿港元买盘。 PHP to HKD (Philippine Peso to Hong Kong Dollar) history chart with exchange rates for today: 10/01/2020. PHP vs HKD (Philippine Peso to Hong Kong Dollar) exchange rate history chart. You can choose the period from 7 days up to 1 year. We use accurate data from authoritative 3rd party services Type currency names, 3-letter ISO currency symbols, or country names to select your currency. Convert world currencies, precious metals, or obsolete currencies, which are marked with an asterisk (*). Choose a percentage from the interbank rate list to better approximate the tourist exchange rates actually charged by your financial institution.
XE Currency 轉換器:1 HKD 轉換為 PHP = 6.26264 Philippine Pesos 2 days ago · Historical Exchange Rates For Hong Kong Dollar to Philippine Peso 6.21 6.24 6.28 6.31 6.34 6.37 Jul 22 Aug 05 Aug 20 Sep 04 Sep 19 Oct 04 Oct 19 Nov 03 120-day exchange rate history for HKD to PHP Quick Conversions from Hong Kong Dollar to Philippine Peso : 1 HKD = 6.22563 PHP XE Currency 轉換器:1 PHP 轉換為 HKD = 0.160024 Hong Kong Dollars Jul 02, 2020 · Convert Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) to Philippine Peso (PHP) 1 Hong Kong Dollar = 6.4273 Philippine Peso. Thursday, 02 July 2020, 09:00 Hong Kong time, Thursday, 02 July 2020, 09:00 Manila time. Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) and Philippine Peso (PHP). 港元兑换菲律宾比索汇率走势图(hkd - php): 备注:走势图为1港元(Hong Kong Dollar)可兑换多少菲律宾比索(Philippine Peso) 最新港元兑换菲律宾比索汇率国际外汇牌价,今日港元兑菲律宾比索汇率走势图最新行情,Hong Kong Dollar兑换Philippine Peso汇率,实时在线查询1港元等于